Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Dear Friends,
This is just a quick update on the events of April before we leave for a month's furlough which will be a trip to Australia to catch up with family and friends and to do a few 'Army things' on the way.
But the point of this letter is to give a quick report on the visit of Blackpool Songsters to Estonia. The brigade raised all their own money (as all our overseas visitors have to do) but they did not arrive empty-handed. Their huge cases were loaded with baby clothes and supplies to help us in our work here. Apart from doing the meetings over the week-end the songsters had an opportunity to see some of the areas and situations that we work in. That was a difficult experience for many of them as most people would find it hard to visualise the conditions that some people live in around some of the areas here. However it was certainly not all doom and gloom. They were really encouraged in joining in the activities of the corps and getting to know our young people. We have a lovely group of enthusiastic young salvationists. They desparately want to be part of the wider Army but the possibility of wearing uniform is financially out of the question. In the past some old uniforms have been donated and they have been used if possible, but it sometimes means our young people wearing uniforms that do not fit and that make them feel very 'unacceptable'. They have already had to learn to cope with that feeling. So the songsters were generous in offering help with uniforms and some money gifts to help out in these and other ways relating to the work.
The meetings were great and very exciting for our people. The songsters did the Good Friday meeting at Kopli corps in Tallinn and then travelled to Tartu where the officer had arranged to have a meeting in the local Baptist church. The songsters again mixed with the congregation - who ranged from residents of the local homeless hostel, to local residents and some Church members. They were all delighted with the programme of Reflective Music for Easter, combined with the worship and praise that includes brass and timbrels. The youth pastor from the church gave a message about the place of the cross in society and in our lives. We spent overnight in a 'colourful' hotel where we were entertained throughout the night by a jolly group from Finland. However, we did have some laughs ourselves, as you can imagine. On Saturday morning we had a quick look around the main area of Tartu which is an old university city and then on to Vöru. Here we had a fantastic open-air meeting with our own young people from Estonia taking part with the Songsters then an illegal march of witness through the town - till the police caught up with us! We finished the day with a wonderful inaugural meeting of the Salvation Army in Vöru. The songsters gave a great presentation of the Salvation Army in a small town that has never seen the Army before. Then we marched in the colours of the new Corps along with the new corps officer - who is our only Estonian Officer. Derek conducted an inaugural ceremony and we had a moment of committment and dedication of the officer and the work of the SA. The Band played, the timbrels played, the songsters sang and the flags waved. The Army had truly come to town and the sun shone as if there was no tomorrow!
As soon as it was over it was quickly back on to the coach for the trip back to Tallinn. We stopped off at a Windmill Restaurant and had a mean of typical Estonian fare.
Easter Day started with the Open-Air at 8am at the Cross right outside the city walls (of Tallinn). We had had all the sunshine the day before as the morning began with a heavy mist from the sea and a cold wind! However, it soon warmed up and we made our way to the Corps for the Easter Morning Worship and Celebration of Faith. The Songsters had brought lovely Easter Cards printed in English and Estonian and distributed little chocolate Easter Eggs to everyone. (It was great to taste an proper chocolate egg!) The songsters and the whole congregation enjoyed lunch at the Corps and lots of hugs and goodbyes were exchanged between new friends. It was an Easter experience that will never be forgotten by anyone who was there.
The songsters then had a sightseeing trip around Tallinn before the final 'Farewell Meal' at the local Chinese Restaurant. Lots of fun, plenty of laughs, lots of memories and plenty to think about for a long time to come.
Thank you Angela, Liz, Major Liz and Blackpool! God bless you all.!


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