Friday, October 29, 2004

Our First Blog Contact

Dear Friends,
Today I have just began to use this method of newsletter and communication.
It will make it easier for me to get our up-to-date news to you all without the problems of individual e-mail letters. Invariably someone gets left out or there is not enough time to customize letters etc. So with the help of my good friend Tricia Langley who has been with us for a short visit from Blackpool, she has set me up in the 21st century. I can't believe that I am actually using the web to communicate with you all. Don't ask me to surf the web because I wouldn't even know where to begin.
So this is my first chance to reach you in this way.
At the moment I am somewhat pressed for time and will not be able to actually give you a worthwhile newsletter as such, but this is just to make initial contact.
Hopefully you can look forward to getting some regular newsletters from us as time goes on.
If you do manage to pick this up, please feel free to send back any comments (within reason!) as it will be good to hear from you too.
Our love and greetings to all who pick us up from cyberspace!
Derek and Helen


Blogger Trishlang said...

Congratulations on moving into the 21st century world of "blogging". I look forward to getting regular updates of your news - and one day, maybe even seeing pictures you have taken as well!
Hope this week's events go well and that you get done all that needs doing.
Love and prayers
Tricia and her menfolk!

November 1, 2004 at 10:56 AM  
Blogger Margaret and Clive said...

Just read your lastest newsletter and caught up on the earlier ones.

See you are still working as hard as ever.

Congratulations on the grandson look forward to seeing some pictures in the next newsletter.

Margaret and Clive

August 19, 2005 at 12:05 AM  

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